Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Red Chilies

  Howzzaat!!!!. My Dad and his gang were      shouting in our TV room. That was 31 of October 1987, the historical day in world cup cricket. The up roaring was when Chetan Sharma took the wicket of Ken Rutherford.

As an 11 year old boy, I was also eating, drinking and breathing cricket at that time. The idiom “Born with a silver spoon” can be re phrased as “Born with a cricket Ball” in my case.  But I seldom view a full length one day match as my friends wait for me to play two or three 10-10 over matches. On holidays or on vacations we will on ground full time in the scorching sun. Due to the constant Sweating and drying made my ears get infected.

On that historical day I was bed ridden, due to intense unbearable pain on my right ear, I was rolling on the bed. Seeing my state of distress, my mom thought of calling my dad to console me; and to consult a doctor in the evening.

That was when my mom reached our TV room, the wicket of Ian Smith also had fallen and Chetan Sharma is on hat trick Chance. Without knowing this stressful, nerve racking moment, my mom conveyed the message to my dad and asked him to be with me. My dad wanted to see the next ball of Chetan and he was waiting for Ewen Chatfield to come to bat.  Mom demanded his presence with me immediately and with due hesitation and irritation my dad came to my room with his mind still on hat trick.

The most influential person in my dad’s life his years old friend Mr Pappachan was also there in my room seeing my dilemma and he suggested a onetime remedy for this infection. The remedy is that, take one spoon of coconut oil, boil it and pour the hot oil through the top opening of a red Chili. Allow it to cool and once it is little warm which is bearable enough for me, nip the bottom portion of the chili and pour the oil drop by drop to my infected ear.

As instructed my mom made the things available. In the mean while some body from my dad’s gang was shouting that Ewen Chatfield on the crease and Chetan is ready to bowl. My dad’s thoughts were still on Chetan’s Hat Trick, took the Chili and nipped the bottom part keeping it just above my ear.  As he nipped the chili big the medicated oil started flowing to my ear instead of drop by drop.

Haaaaaaaa,  I screamed and rolled on my bed upper ear down.  Yes!!, as Chetan Sharna is ready to bowl, dad had forgotten that the heat should be bearable and he had poured the extreme hot oil on my ear.

Hearing my scream all the gang rushed to my room and along with my mom and Mr Pappachan, they started shouting at dad for his carelessness. In the mean time Chethan Sharma was taking his run up from the pavilion end of Vidharbha cricket Association Ground, Nagpur to bowl against Ewen Chatfield. The rest is history!.

That power-less night, I was sleeping on my dad’s lap I saw the reflection of the lantern on the bottom of dads eye lids.

During this vacation, I happened to see dad’s friend who prescribed the medicine. Seeing me he started asking me so many things for that I have not responded. In frustration he asked,Are you deaf?

I replied. Yes, your Red Chili treatment made me deaf.!!!!!!!!. Hearing that, he and my dad burst into laughter.

At last, one question remains. Where the infection has gone? If we personify the infection as a demon, he scared and ran away from my life seeing my dad and his red chili.


  1. Humorous and touching tale. I can also see the glint of the kerosene lamp in vasu Anna's sleepless eyes.

  2. Super Bro :)
    For a while, you made me the 7 year old who was standing behind dad, watching him doing some trick with red chillies in your ears..

  3. Eda, Why dont you try blogging in Malayalam? Now, windows is having Malayalam font. You can use it. I expect a more stylish narration in malayalam - i didnt mean this one is bad!

  4. Well I have one more reason to like Chetan Sharma's feat!!

    Great depiction of the events Raja.... You made me feel as if i was a part of whole event.

    Keep it up and please share your thoughts more frequently.

  5. oru film kandathupoleyund.. :)

  6. Editor said...

    Dear Editor,
    Can you reveal your Identity

  7. We both really enjoyed what you shared here. It is so great that you remember such life incidents so well.!! Hats off to you for that..truly hilarious .. enjoyed reading it.. :) keep it up and keep sharing such stuffs!!

  8. Like Father Like Son!!!why b'cos last week when i went to ur house { shud i say OUR house
    ;-) }, as usual krishnanmama was describing another old and valippan but very intersting stories...a pathu minittu poyatharinjilla. Same happened when i read this. infact was visualising the whole thing.....I have another Cricket story of krishnanmama, will tell u soon...DONT STOP WRITING...

  9. Dear Raja,

    The blogs bring nostalgia to me ven though I am a Thottuvaian still staying here.The humour in 'If we were in America Or Europe' is very good.

    Keep it up.

    Best wishes,
    Jyothy Mama

  10. Eda,
    Write your Muvattupuzha experiences too.... Waiting for that!

  11. എഡിറ്റര്‍ ഞാനായിരുന്നു. ഒടുവില്‍ ഞാന്‍ ആ ഭൂതത്തെ കുടം തുറന്ന് വിട്ടു.
